Personal Development of Area of Practice
As part of our Personal and Professional Practice 2 module, we are to identify an area of practice that we wish to research into and develop further over the course of this school year. Documentation on processes, outputs and reflection should be done throughout. Constant research and critical reflection should also be done on the works of other practitioners', industry developments and trends, as well as resources and organisations that support us as an Animator.
This module has given us the opportunity to focus on an area of practice that we are especially interested in (That other modules never gave us the opportunity to focus on), and so over the remainder of this school year, I wish to further research and develop my visual development related works, such as producing storyboards, character designs, as well as conceptual art for settings and key scenes in original concepts that I never had the chance to work on as much I had hoped in the past.
While this concerns more to my own personal practice, I do hope that the work I am planning to produce for my portfolio will appeal to potential clients from various entertainment industries.
I hope to further develop at least 1-3 of my original concepts so that they can be presented in my portfolio and showreel by the end of this year.
Each concept is also quite different from one another in terms of style and tone (It is not just the narrative aspect but also the aesthetics, when it comes to what art style should be applied to the concept), and so I hope that I will be able to present a considerably diverse collection of work by the end of the module.
This assignment should be completed before the end of this module, more specifically by the 18th of May at 4.30pm.