Wednesday, 11 May 2016


   Meanwhile follows 4 different characters that traverse a city, each lost in their own little worlds, trapped in their memories, regress and frustrations. It is a blend of 3D and 2D drawn animation techniques done in an incredibly stylistic manner.

   There were a lot of things that had drawn me into this animation in particular, from the visual style that was used (And I am always a sucker for 2D looking 3D animations) to how the story was actually told. I believe I found myself swallowing down a huge lump in my throat by the time I reached the ending for this animation. I loved the colour schemes that were used for each character and what they could each possibly symbolise for each of them. 

   Blue represents depression and sadness, which most definitely suits the angry cyclist, tired of his life and hold drab it has seemingly become (Despite having a job, wife and child). While yellow tends to symbolise joy and delight, chances are that this is the female character's waning hope and optimism, especially once she loses her beloved mother. Green is a more challenging colour to figure out, symbolising many things such as stability, masculine power and independence. Which could pertain to the character's stubbornness, arrogance and obliviousness as he struggles to come to terms with what he has done in the first place to cause his wife to leave him. And finally, red, represents anger. Light red especially, normally represents sexuality, which does suit the youngest character in this short as he struggles with puberty (Especially with his growing curiosity of the female body) and being bullied and pushed around by nearly everyone around him. 
   The final scene at the very end, while brief, is especially gorgeous when all 4 characters do come together, all four worlds clash as reality sets back in as all their focus is instead placed on someone else other than themselves...
   Creator Stephen McNally is an Irish Animation director and a Masters student of Animation at the Royal College of Art. His other works include a promotional videos, music videos and other original shorts. After looking through his other works, it is clear that he has an incredibly distinct art style, especially when it comes to his character designs (Big eyes with really defined if not detailed noses). I honestly hadn't expected to like his works as much as I do now, but I really do find his hybrid animations to be incredibly appealing and would like to look more into the 3D aspects of his works.

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