Tuesday 20 May 2014

Reflect - Changes to Final Product

So I made quite a few changes to my idea in the past few days due to time constraints, and so I don't think that I was able to keep a consistent art style for this one, as I ended up doing some of the drawings and animation in a much simpler style (I think the only thing that remained consistent was the hard brush I used throughout, haha).

Initially I had wanted to do my presentation in the form of an animated scrap book, where the animated illustrations would also be placed into them, I realized however that it would take some time to tweak it to my liking (Such as how the next image would appear as the page is turned, I really didn't want it to just suddenly pop out of nowhere once the pages have been flattened. Still, I was glad I made my first attempt at rotoscoping, I might be able to use this for another project in the future, so it is not all for naught.

I hadn't realized that the black pages would make it so difficult to see
the outlines of the turning page, so I was glad that it turned out pretty well
considering the wild guesses I made as I blindly traced over them.

After cleaning it up a bit more, all I did was stretch the image so that I wouldn't
waste most of the space available on the sides of the screen.
I kinda liked how it looked, but I felt that so much tweaking was still required,
and I was starting to get really exhausted and confused trying to find the right

layers in the thousands that I had made.
While we were advised to avoid using Powerpoint and be a little more creative, I decided after awhile to use it to arrange all the images and little animations I had done, it also makes the timing for each one a lot easier to control, I really didn't have enough time to estimate how long each one should last and so as always, Powerpoint was a big help to me.

I had also realized how silly it was to waste so much space in repeating animations (With less than ten frames sometimes) for nearly twenty seconds, and so after testing out to see how different the gifs looked in terms of quality to a video or normal JPEG image, I decided to export most of them as gifs. Some of them might be a little pixilated, but otherwise they shouldn't be that bad… (I hope)

I am still considering whether I should put in some music, the only thing so far that I have actually put in is a sound effect for one animation, I might go in that direction (I really wouldn't  want to pick a piece of music that would irk any of my classmates), gathering other sound effects for the other images and animations shouldn't be all that hard.

There are still two more I hope to do, but right now it's time I switched back to my other project. Will I survive and have all these finished by Thursday? Stay tuned.

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