Monday 17 November 2014


A fairly amusing animated short directed by Alexander Ilyash, the brief summary in the guide book provided already clearly explains the message behind this one. There is a tendency for arguments to form out of nothing between people, soon enough, even if they eventually forget the cause, the conflict continues to build between them, and in time causing another row to commence, leading to a situation that may unfortunately never end...

The word "me" was the only word shown at the bottom of the screen now and then when ether of them yelled out a single word, obviously signifying the stubbornness between the two characters as they continue to violently fling words at one another, refusing to listen to the other and determined to win (Even though we as the audience know that it will never happen)  the argument somehow.

The dove that constantly flies back and forth is of course meant to symbolise peace, which unfortunately, instead of getting the characters to understand, further confused and annoyed them as they tried shooting it down several times with the letters that escaped their mouths. Once the two characters unfortunately find themselves stuck in a deeper pit (Caused by their literal pile of angry words), two doves are then seen flying far above them, perhaps still trying to remind them in the distance to cease and desist in their arguments before they dig themselves a deeper pit...

Personally, I did not find anything particularly outstanding about the animation style used here (Simply because it is not to my tastes, not that there was anything bad about it), but I suppose it worked for the message it was aiming to put across for the audience (Namely conflict being meaningless and the stubbornness of humans and their refusal to back down and just move on) , the art style used did remind me of the style used in some of the newspaper comic strips, such as "The Sad Sack", "B.C" and "Non Sequitur".

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