Wednesday 19 November 2014


Frederic Doazan's "Supervenus" has actually been shared around the internet for awhile now, but it is still amusing all the same to watch it again in the theatre. Focusing on how the standards of beauty have changed over the past century, the poor woman gets noticeably more grotesque with each change made to her (And is it just me or did they actually make a brief reference to Michael Jackson?), and eventually her body is destroyed completely (It's amazing how she is still able to stand after all of that).

This was overall just a really cleverly done piece of animation, and it is no wonder that it has garnered so much attention since its release. It really is just the painful truth that you can't help but laugh, cry, and throw up over... The unnecessary sacrifices that are made just to make yourself beautiful when you were completely fine to begin with, unfortunately goes unnoticed due to your desperate need to be accepted by society, until it is too late.

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