Sunday 17 May 2015

Jon Turner

Jon Turner is the director of Kilogramme animation studios, an award winning animation design company based in Northern Quarter, Manchester. Needless to say, I was really impressed by the diversity of their works, and I especially enjoyed their 2D/3D animations (One of those shorts made me think of a Paperman version of a Fantasia short). This studio covers all aspects of production, from initial concept and design right through to final post production. Clearly, this studio has always aimed to provide the utmost of quality services.

As the two founders both came from 3d backgrounds,a team of 2D animators was put together so that that area could be expanded upon during the formation of the studio. Various college students were found and where then made to work for them, these students just knew how to stand out, and showed their absolute passion for animation... and that is just what will catch the attention of this studio when you are sending in your showreel. After students graduate, they continue sending in stuff to Kilo that appealed and impressed them, as well as showed their dedication to animate.

The work process goes as such for this studio, that being scriptwriting, concepts, storyboarding, voice recording, animatic and finally the animation itself. Try to get it in that order for an efficient enough process. An animatic shows if a shot works and if the sequence flows. Scripts are definitely harder to visualise, hence why storyboards are so important,
you have to be open to other people's interpretations, so to see how well that script flows.

But bad luck can still occur when a client tries to make really last minute changes to a project... that was never agreed upon during payment. Still however, you should try to work things out with them if possible. Do try to accommodate, but do not be desperate.

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